Friday, July 23, 2021

5 Senators Reportedly ‘Undecided’ On Chipman; Impeachment Resolution Revealed -

U.S.A.-( The drama surrounding gun control advocate David Chipman’s nomination to head the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has taken on a new complexion as a dozen members of the U.S. House have signed onto an impeachment resolution to remove Chipman from a job he doesn’t yet have.

According to Fox News, Chipman’s confirmation is not a sure thing because five members of the U.S. Senate—Joe Manchin (W.Va.), Kyrsten Sinema (AZ), John Hickenlooper (CO), Jon Tester (MT) and Angus King (ME)—reportedly “remain undecided” on Chipman’s nomination. With a 50-50 Senate split, every Democrat would have to vote in the affirmative so Vice President Kamala Harris could cast the tie-breaking vote. If even one or two Democrats jump ship, Chipman’s nomination is toast.

But if Chipman is confirmed, there is still the impeachment resolution to consider. Fox News is reporting that Montana Congressman Matt Rosendale is spearheading the effort. He is reportedly joined by Reps. Bob Good of Virginia, Jeff Duncan and Ralph Norman of South Carolina, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Andrew Clyde and Jody Hice from Georgia, Diana Harshbarger of Tennessee, Scott Perry from Pennsylvania, Alex Mooney of West Virginia, Andy Harris from Maryland, and Paul Gosar from Arizona. All are Republicans.

In a statement quoted by Fox News, Rosendale observed, “The confirmation of David Chipman to the ATF would be a direct threat to the Second Amendment rights of Americans and the rule of law. Not only has Chipman previously given false testimony to Congress, but his statements on gun control are evidence that his confirmation would be a failure to support and defend our constitutional rights. If appointed, both are impeachable offenses and worthy of Congress to consider his removal.”

AmmoLand News has obtained a copy of the un-numbered resolution. There are two articles in the document: Failure to support and defend the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, and Making False Statements to Congress.

The resolution asserts, “In his roles as a paid lobbyist and anti-Second Amendment advocate, David H. Chipman personally advocated, lobbied for, and expressed support for numerous policies which would violate and abridge the Second Amendment rights of Americans to keep and bear arms.”

Click the link to read the whole article:   Senators Reportedly ‘Undecided’ On Chipman


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