Saturday, July 31, 2021

Even the Left Thinks Biden’s ATF Nominee, David Chipman, is a Racist -

USA – -( While President Biden’s ATF Director Nominee David Chipman has had a hard time evading his past as a gun control lobbyist, Senate Democrats have been incredibly successful at brushing aside his connections to and allegations of racism.

At first, these allegations were uncovered by the American Accountability Foundation (AAF), a non-profit government oversight and research organization. AAF uncovered testimony from a former ATF agent and colleague of Chipman, who recalled him making the racist commentary:

“Wow, there were an unusually large number of African American agents that passed the exam this time. They must have been cheating.”

While troubling, public outcry linking Chipman’s name to racism doesn’t end with the American Accountability Foundation.

Recently, The Reload, a Second Amendment news source, corroborated AAF’s report with independently verified reports from more ATF agents.

But its not just Conservatives and ATF agents calling David Chipman a racist—it’s the radical Left, too!

David Chipman was Senior Vice President at ShotSpotter Inc. where he openly brags about leading their sales team during a “2 year period of explosive growth.”

However, Left-leaning organizations like the Action Center on Race and the Economy (ACRE) routinely lobby for local police to “cancel the contract[s]” they have with ShotSpotter over effectiveness, expense, and racism concerns.

Click the link to read the whole article:   Even the Left Thinks Chipman is a Racist


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