Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Los Angeles Federal ‘Strike Force’ Evokes Definition of Insanity - Ammoland.com

U.S.A. – -(Ammoland.com)- “A new federal strike force launched by the U.S. Justice Department on Thursday will focus on disrupting the illegal flow of weapons into Los Angeles from neighboring states while also going after makers of local ‘ghost guns,’ according to local and federal authorities,” The Los Angeles Times parroted Thursday. “Both sources of weapons are a major driver of violence within L.A., and local officials hope their disruption will help stem the city’s increasing levels of shootings and homicides.”

Evidently, the Giffords Law Center’s “A” rating for California does not produce results commensurate with the grade. All those infringements that promised such solutions and things are still out of control...

Los Angeles Police Chief Michel Moore, a politically dependent career “Only One,” doesn’t have a clue on how to stop the signal, but did come up with an excuse that allowed him to point fingers and blame states that haven’t yet enacted California’s “strongest gun laws in the United States.” Arizona, Nevada, and Utah are to blame, the chief blathers:

“Suspects go to those locations,” Moore said, “buy those weapons because of lax or permissive gun laws and then traffic those weapons here and sell them to the market of people who are not lawfully able to own or possess or purchase a weapon.”

For some reason, Chief Moore and The Times neglect to mention that all that is already against the “lax and permissive” law. At least the chief admits the FFLs aren’t the problem:

Click the link to read the whole article:   Los Angeles Federal ‘Strike Force’


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