Wednesday, July 28, 2021

"Squad" Member Wants to Bribe Your State With Grant Money In Exchange for Gun Control - Firearms Policy Coalition

Friend --

Imagine your state excepting federal grant money in exchange for complying with gun control standards. Sounds ridiculous, right?!? Well, if Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) has anything to do with it, that's exactly what will happen. Rep. Pressley reintroduced the MASS Act ("Making America Safe and Secure Act") after watching it go down in flames last legislative session.

The Mass Act, H.R. 4238, aims to make federal grant funds available to states that participate in the gun control measures enumerated in the bill. Those measures include requirements that individuals obtain a firearms license in order to purchase/lease/rent a firearm and/or ammunition.  The states receiving grant money must also provide standards and a process under which a family member of an individual who the family member fears is a danger to himself, herself, or others may petition for an extreme risk protection order (ERPO/Red Flag Law). As you know, due process consistently gets thrown in the wood chipper with the implementation of Red Flag Laws.

Another sign that this is a terrible bill is the fact that fellow gun control cheerleaders in the Senate, Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), have stuck their necks out to support it too. It's my rule of thumb that if Sen. Markey is supporting a bill, that bill is garbage and should never see the light of day. This trio of legislators wants the country to replicate Massachusetts gun control measures. I think we are more than fine without that happening.

To have your voice heard on this blatant disregard of due process and other fundamental rights, please use our FPC action tool that allows you to directly email your elected officials. Just click one of the red "Defeat the MASS Act" to start the process. Once you have filled out your information a pre-drafted email will become available. You are encouraged to personalize and edit it how you deem fit. Then just send it off and it will go to your specific legislators.

These folks sense that their days of having a gun control majority in Congress are numbered. They are trying to introduce as many gun control measures as they can before the opportunity slips through their fingers. Take action today via this email, and if you haven't done so already, sign up to join FPC's Grassroots Army at TODAY!  We'll continue to keep you informed about anything local/state/federal that may infringe on your rights. We will forever be your advocates for "All the Rights, All the Time"! 

Yours in Liberty,

Trey Ramsey
Grassroots Manager
Firearms Policy Coalition [FPC]

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