Saturday, July 24, 2021

UN Arms Trade Treaty, The Biden Occupation, & The American People ~ VIDEO -

New York, NY – -( It’s that time again folks, as the Seventh Conference of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) will take place August 30 to September 3 (2021) in Geneva, Switzerland.

But let’s first deal with the sitting Democrat Whitehouse Resident Joe Biden, and let’s ask how the U.S. Senate might give Advice & Consent to the treaty. Will Biden re-sign onto the ATT? After all, the “pushing for the ratification of the Arms Trade treaty” is part of the Democrat platform. It’s a good bet that he will re-sign onto it.

Will the Senate give its approval so Biden can make the U.S. a Signatory State? Probably not, because our Constitution requires a two-thirds vote, of the Senate, when it comes to treaties.

We understand that American Socialist Democrats have given up any semblance of truth and moral behavior. They have shown a propensity for illegal acts in order to get their way. They have no goal, but to take control of our country, and we gun owners lay directly in their path.

 Click the link to read the whole article:   UN Arms Trade Treaty


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