Thursday, July 29, 2021

Ye Olde “2A is Racist” Argument… This time from the ACLU - GatDaily

The ALCU, The American Civil Liberties Union, an organization supposedly dedicated to the protection of civil rights among those more vulnerable to having them stripped from them declared one such civil right racist.  

3 guesses which one…  

Yes, the 2nd Amendment is racist, according to the ACLU, the right to Keep and Bear Arms for the security of yourself and the state (language in the Michigan constitution specifically) is actually in case someone with different melanin related genetics than you gets ‘uppity’ or some such nonsense.  

The right that literally guarantees, through force of arms, the choice and ability for someone to be self determinant. The right that enforces the final barrier from being immediately subject to the whims of someone or some group willing to bully into compliance through naked force. The right that unequivocally declares, “No.” and backs it with fire and fury.

That right is racist?  


America bad, or something. 

Click the link to read the whole article:   “2A is Racist” Argument


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