Saturday, August 21, 2021

Below The Radar: Local Public Health And Safety Protection Act of 2021 -

Chicago/Washington D.C. – -( Second Amendment supporters can know one thing for certain: Many times, when “public health” is thrown around by anti-Second Amendment extremists, you can bet the target is actually our Second Amendment rights. One case in point is a recently introduced piece of legislation.

HR 4888, also known as the Local Public Health And Safety Protection Act of 2021, sponsored by Representative Robin Kelly (D-IL), seeks to bribe states to repeal preemption laws. These laws help by preventing a patchwork of laws across states, meaning that someone exercising their Second Amendment rights doesn’t become a criminal just by crossing a county line.

If you think you’ve seen Kelly’s name before – you’re right. This Congresswoman’s bills have been discussed here before. Whether it’s trying to pass off attacking our rights as urban progress, her multiple efforts to legally authorize bureaucratic gun bans that only the Violence Policy Center would love, or other schemes that target our rights, whether disguised as opposing “gun trafficking” or adding people to the prohibited persons list, Kelly has consistently attacked Americans who wish to exercise their Second Amendment rights.

If gun control laws really worked, then Chicago, with all its onerous provisions, would be the safest place in the country.

The crime stats, though, tell a very different story. And according to NRA-ILA’s summary of the laws in Illinois, that state also has strict laws and there is precious little preemption regarding firearms. Illinois is not exactly friendly towards the Second Amendment.

Click the link to read the whole article:  Below The Radar

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