Saturday, August 21, 2021

FPC Tells ATF to Withdraw “Unconstitutional” Firearm Rule -

U.S.A.-( Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced the filing of the organization’s official comment (below) in opposition to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (“ATF”) Proposed Rule 2021R-05, “Definition of ‘Frame or Receiver’ and Identification of Firearms.” FPC’s opposition brief can be found at

“From the very beginning of this assault on gun owners, FPC has aggressively engaged its members, supporters, and the general public to participate in the rulemaking process. Today, FPC Law filed a comment in opposition to the ATF’s unlawful and unconstitutional Proposed Rule, which clearly shows why the government must not proceed with this outrageous executive abuse,” said FPC’s Senior Director of Legal Operations, Adam Kraut. “Should ATF refuse to abandon this assault on gun owners and the law, FPC stands ready and willing to take further legal action to defend the rights of our members, supporters, and the People. If President Biden wants a fight, he’ll get one from us.”

FPC’s arguments begin by highlighting how the Proposed Rule exceeds the statutes and authority delegated to the ATF, effectively expanding criminal law far beyond that enacted by Congress. Moreover, the comment explains, if “eight words of the [Gun Control Act]—‘the frame or receiver of any such weapon’—cannot be understood without cross-references to other areas of the law and a range of its own vague sub-definitions, then the statute itself would be void for vagueness.”

Click the link to read the whole article:  FPC Tells ATF to Withdraw Rule


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