Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Fwd: 🚨BREAKING: New bill would massively expand the NFA 🚨


FPC has learned of a bill introduced Friday that would massively expand the scope of the National Firearms Act (NFA).

HR 4953 - authored by Rep. Ted Deutch (D-FL) - would subject any semiautomatic rifle that can accept a detachable magazine to the NFA. 

That means that nearly all modern sporting rifles would be heavily regulated by the ATF just like suppressors and SBRs.

In other words, even a Ruger 10/22 could be subject to regulation by hostile government bureaucrats.

This is one of the worst gun control bills introduced all year, Friend. And we need your help to stop it RIGHT NOW!

If you own a rifle that meets the criteria stated above - and most gun owners do - you need to get in this fight IMMEDIATELY. 

This legislation is so insane that it goes even further than wildly-despotic clowns like David Chipman in its assault on liberty.

After all, Chipman testified before Congress that the ATF currently defines an "assault rifle" as:

"Any semiautomatic rifle capable of accepting a detachable magazine above the caliber of .22, which would include a .223..."

HR 4953 would go EVEN FURTHER and subject even .22 caliber rifles to the NFA. That's why we need to act NOW!

Although full bill text is not yet available, our legislative team is currently analyzing this bill and preparing a take action campaign. 

But in order to make sure our opposition push has maximum impact, we need to secure additional funding ASAP. 

You may be wondering if this bill only regulates the sale of future rifles, or if there is some kind of grandfathering provision.

HR 4953 doesn't say, but it's safe to assume its provisions would also apply to existing property.

After all, the bill's author hates guns so much that he thinks YOU should have to pay a tax stamp and beg the ATF for a permission slip to own guns. 

Indeed, if this insane bill is signed into law by our current anti-gun administration, here's what could happen:

The ATF learns you have purchased or are in possession of a semiauto rifle that accepts a detachable magazine...

But you invoke your constitutional rights and refuse to submit to the government's fascistic extortion scheme, and then...

  • You are ARRESTED
  • You have your firearms SEIZED
  • And you LOSE your right to keep and bear arms

Stay Free,

Firearms Policy Coalition

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