Thursday, August 12, 2021

Gun Grabbers Collaborate with Foreign Regime to Undermine Constitution -

U.S.A. -( Anyone tempted to think the gun control lobby couldn’t sink any further into disreputable tactics should sit down before reading any further.

Last week, Brady – one of the older, gun prohibition advocacy groups in the U.S. – teamed up with the government of Mexico to launch an assault against the American firearms manufacturing and distribution industry.

The move came in the form of a lawsuit that seeks to hold lawful and federally licensed companies in these industries responsible for the crimes of violent Mexican gangs and drug cartels, to the tune of $10 billion, according to media reports.

Not only that, the suit argues that the U.S. federal court in which it was filed should ignore both United States law and the Second Amendment and instead rule against the defendants under the laws of Mexico.

This breathtakingly audacious move shows not just the desperation of the gun control lobby to advance their anti-freedom agenda by any means necessary, it underscores their contempt for the uniquely American freedoms that set our country apart from the rest of the world. That Brady would ally itself with a foreign government that has become virtually synonymous with corruption proves just how detached the gun control movement has become from the values and traditions that define America.

Click the link to read the whole article:   Gun Grabbers Collaborate with Foreign Regime

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