Tuesday, August 24, 2021

New Leak Shows ATF is Appointing Democrat Donor to Top Lawyer Position - Ammoland.com

WASHINGTON, D.C.-(Ammoland.com)- Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Chief Counsel Joel Roessner is retiring on September 30. 2021.

The Chief Counsel is the most powerful lawyer at the ATF and determines the ATF’s direction on all legal matters. The position is one of the most powerful not only in the ATF for the Justice Department as a whole. The Chief Counsel will play a significant part in crafting new rules and regulations surrounding pistol stabilizing devices and unfinished frames and receivers. Mr. Roessner played a role in reclassifying bump stocks as machine guns.

With the stepping down of Mr. Roessner at the end of September, it left many to wonder who would fill his shoes. Would the new Chief Counsel uphold the Constitution, or would they continue as business as usual? Due to an AmmoLand exclusive leak from our sources within the ATF, we now know the answer, and it is probably not good for gun owners.

Deputy Chief Counsel Pamela J. Hicks will be stepping up into the role of ATF Chief Counsel. Ms. Hicks took over the position of the ATF’s Deputy Chief Counsel in October of 2019. She has worked for various agencies within the Federal government for over 20 years. Ms. Hicks originally worked the ATF’s Arson Division and in the field as the Division Counsel for the Los Angeles Field Division before leaving the Bureau. After leaving the ATF, she worked for the DOJ’s Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section Criminal Division. She also worked for the Department of the Treasury as the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary (Law Enforcement).

Click the link to read the whole article:  ATF is Appointing Democrat Donor

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