Wednesday, August 25, 2021

NRA ‘Restructuring’ and Billing Documents Show Need for Honest Stewardship -


U.S.A. – -( “The [New York State] Attorney General has filed an amended complaint, 187 pages long,” the NRA in Danger blog reported Tuesday. “The original complaint was brutal, this is beyond that. Staff and some directors are looting the corporation for millions or tens of millions.”

The New York complaint confirms AG Letitia James is out to destroy the National Rifle Association by taking no prisoners and salting the earth. While others have suggested ways around her demands for total NRA annihilation, only one effort has moved beyond the talking stage and filed to be recognized in the legal decision-making, led by members who have filed an intervenor motion.

Regular AmmoLand News readers may recall the idea for members to try and stop the dissolution of the Association via an intervenor lawsuit first reported in August of last year. In June we reported the intervenor motion had been filed in the case with Life Members Frank Tait and Mario Aguirre taking point on behalf of the membership, and earlier this month this column relayed information about the related reply memorandum seeking the judge to grant the intervention, a decision anticipated in early September.

The exhibits embedded below have been extracted from the trial exhibits submitted at Chapter 11 (bankruptcy) motion to dismiss hearing.  These are all public documents, legally downloaded from the federal PACER court record system and provided to me by a source close to the case, along with some relevant observations, opinions, and speculations.

The exhibit includes the January 15 “resolution” to authorize Chapter 11 reorganization and retain counsel, citing as authority  the Board’s January 7 vote to give Wayne LaPierre the power to “exercise corporate authority … including … to reorganize or restructure the affairs of the Association.”

Click the link to read the whole article:  NRA ‘Restructuring’ and Billing Documents

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