Monday, August 23, 2021

Oh, the Irony: Taliban Sports American M4s While Confiscating Firearms from Civilians - Gunsamerica

The Taliban are clearly enjoying the fruits of their labor after routing out the Afghan military and commandeering the country’s capital in Kabul.

Two reports from Reuters indicate that many Taliban fighters have swapped their AK-47s for American-made M4s and M16s while the group’s leadership has begun confiscating weapons from civilians in the city.

“We understand people kept weapons for personal safety. They can now feel safe. We are not here to harm innocent civilians,” a Taliban leader told Reuters.

The Associated Press reported today that billions of dollars of U.S.-made military equipment has fallen into the hands of the Taliban since the terrorist group began its assault. The haul included ammunition, aircraft, and small arms, including M4s and M16s.

Images from Afghanistan show some Taliban fighters toting the fully automatic versions of the AR-15 rifle. While it’s fair to debate the tactical advantage that these rifles will provide over their Russian counterparts, the optics are not good for the United States.

Click the link to read the whole article:   Taliban Sports American M4s While Confiscating Firearms

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