Sunday, August 15, 2021


I actually was shown this video in Basic Training back in 1985. Or one very similar to it. We were told, that war with the Soviet Union, was, "Inevitable". And wherever we were assigned, Germany, Korea, Italy, Guam, ANYWHERE, we would probably get wiped. And yet we would be the "Trip wire", and would have to survive and resist as long as we could. To allow the US Mainland Forces time to get up to speed and come recover us and kick the Soviets and their proxies back out.

Imagine, being 17 years old, which I was, and hearing that the Army EXPECTED most of us to get killed if the Soviets launched a first strike.

Couple that with growing up with "Duck and Cover" and other films and cartoon features about the coming Nuclear War and how to survive it. And what our Nation and Government expects of us. We had "Tornado Drills" in elementary school which were nothing more that duck and cover drills, emergency sirens, that were for warning for any attacks, but were also used as severe weather sirens as well. "Civil Defense" placards everywhere. Some denoting, "Fallout Shelters", others denoting "Bomb Shelters". Other placards denoting storage rooms full of Civil Defense supplies such as water, "Hard Tack Crackers", cots, blankets, "geiger counters", "HAM Radios", our car radios having a "Civil Defense" symbol on the dial, and almost ANY other portable radio having the same symbols.

So many of us grew up with this over looming shadow.  This spectre of death and destruction.  And I read an article I cannot find now, but it was a Psychiatrist who had researched, just what two generations of people growing up under that type of constant threat awareness.  And his conclusion?

People born before 1977-1978 were most likely suffering from their own version of PTSD.

I'll let you make your own determination.

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