Wednesday, September 8, 2021

A Flood of Gun Lies Are Coming & You Need to Aggressively Correct Them -

USA – -( When people lie to you to get you to change your actions, you can bet it’s not in your best interest, but it is in theirs. American gun owners possess over 400 million firearms, and so, in order for the Socialists to disarm us, we would have to give them up willingly, as the Australians did.

They cannot rule the streets of our country until we are disarmed. They need to do it with lies because the truth about firearms has always shown that civilian weapons benefit society.

All the honest firearms research has shown that our guns are a net benefit to our society. Our families, and especially our kids, are safer because we own guns!

To this end, the Biden Regime, and the evil Democrat Congress, are again funding firearms research. Many of you do not remember that such funding in the past, in the 1990s, resulted in a large accumulation of FAKE SCIENCE that supposedly ‘proved’ our guns are dangerous to our families. These funding grants were through the US CDC, and after many battles, the funding was stopped because of the obvious corruption.

We will soon be again inundated with another batch of these fabricated lies. They will be fancied up with scientific words and written by paid-off researchers, who live for these types of grants. The articles are then published in prestigious, but very biased, journals.

The US media will repeat these lies until even many of us are no longer certain about the truth. Many in our extended families will become suspicious of us and our firearms and assume that we are dangerous to them.

We cannot permit this to happen again. We must not remain silent again, either.

In the past, the gun owners did not fight back loudly with words where it counts, on the streets, in the schools, and in the houses of worship. We remained quiet, the way our physicians are silent now about COVID, as they have been cowed by fear into barely functioning doctors who won’t do what’s right for the thousands of their patients who are dying of COVID, even though early treatments are known, established, and available.

If we remain silent like these cowardly doctors, we give tacit agreement that we agree that our firearms are dangerous to society. And we then create an easy truth for the Left to use against us.

Click the link to read the whole article:   Gun Lies Are Coming

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