Saturday, September 11, 2021

Factchecking The Mainstream Media’s Fake Anti-Gun ‘Factcheckers’ -

USA – -( For today’s media, factchecking is an entry-level job.

Most media factcheckers are liberal, woke, in their early 20s, and politically biased. Most have never even touched a weapon, yet they wade into gun and Second Amendment issues as though they’re the reincarnation of Jeff Cooper or Bill Jordan. But unlike those distinguished gentlemen, the factcheckers usually get it wrong.

This is the problem because even though most factcheckers are fresh out of college and lack any real journalism experience, they wield tremendous power. If a factchecker determines that a pro-gun story is false or misleading, social media giants like Facebook or Twitter will limit its reach and the story won’t be seen on any feeds. It will go largely unread. That’s a lot of power for a kid who’s usually not old enough to even purchase a firearm.

The legacy media’s sudden obsession with factchecking wasn’t caused by any journalistic desire to seek and publish the truth. For at least one media giant, it was a financial decision.

Case in point: Gannett’s Factcheckers for Hire

In March 2020, Gannett announced it was partnering with Facebook to “identify misinformation.”

Click the link to read the whole article:   Factchecking The ‘Factcheckers

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