Wednesday, September 15, 2021

How Anti-Gun Slimeballs Control The Narrative with Biased Mainstream Media -

U.S.A.-( I want to talk a little bit about Biden pulling the nomination of David Chipman for the Director of the ATF. I don’t want to talk so much about the actual pulling of the nomination. I want to speak on the media’s response to it being pulled, and I want to pull the curtain back a little bit and show you how anti-gun advocacy groups and the mainstream media cross paths.

You can’t help but noticed the narrative about the Chipman nomination being pulled that is being peddled in the mainstream media’s talking points all looks the same. If you caught that you would not be wrong. It does look the same.

  • The narrative isn’t that Chipman was a terrible nominee.
  • Or he was a partisan hack.
  • It wasn’t that Chipman has a history of making racist comments about other special agents.
  • And it wasn’t that Chipman was so incompetent at his job that he might have lost his duty gun.

According to the mainstream media, the gun lobby’s power forced Senators not to support the Chipman nomination. It was that somehow the gun lobby got Democrats to pull their support for Chipman?

According to these reports, Chipman was a dedicated and exceptional former ATF Special agent that only cared about stopping violence. These mainstream media pendants report that Chipman would have been a perfect ATF Director.

Click the link to read the whole story:  How Anti-Gun Slimeballs Control The Narrative


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