Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Anti-Gun ATF Nominee Chipman Will Not Go Quietly - Ammoland.com

U.S.A. -(AmmoLand.com)- Disgraced Biden nominee to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), David Chipman, seems determined to prove his detractors correct. After he was withdrawn for consideration for the post, he began a campaign of trying to shift the blame of his failure to be confirmed from his abysmal record to others; including his sponsor.

First came an email fundraiser from Giffords, the anti-gun organization to which he returned after his nomination imploded. In a plea for funds that carries Chipman’s name, he blames NRA and the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) for his failure.

Of course, it is true that both organizations campaigned against this particularly poor nomination, and NRA made no secret of our being pleased when Biden abandoned his ATF nominee. Chipman ultimately failed, however, because enough senators were convinced that it would be outrageous to put a man so devoted to demonizing law-abiding gun owners, gun manufacturers, and federally licensed firearms dealers in a position of authority over them.

Chipman’s message begging for money claims he was the victim of “an unfounded and false disinformation campaign,” but NRA’s efforts were focused on simply reporting what the gun control lobbyist had actually said and done. We reported about his stated support for banning firearms. We reported on his work as a salesman for a product that others (not us) have referred to as “useless, expensive, racist technology.” We reported he had failed to disclose some pretty significant information to the Senate about an interview he did with a Chinese state-run network, CCTV, and broadcast by CGTN (China Global Television Network) America – a network described as “an arm of China’s propaganda machine… controlled by the Communist Party.”

Click the link to read the whole article:  Chipman Will Not Go Quietly


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