Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Bump Stocks Are Back in Congress AGAIN! - Firearms Policy coalition

Friend --

Believe it or not, the bump stock debate is back...AGAIN! While the infamous bump stock ban is being challenged in the courts, anti-liberty legislators are already preparing for the ban to be overturned outright. In fact, Rep. Dina Titus (D-NV) just introduced U.S. House Bill 5427, which would regulate bump stocks just like machine guns.  So basically, tyrants, who were hoping bump stocks would be a relic of the past, are now trying another line of attack to deal with them.  I have a feeling poor Dina is going to be pretty disappointed when we beat this effort back.

In order to fight back against this ridiculous legislation that would make bump stocks an NFA item, please utilize our convenient constituent outreach tool to contact your federal legislators TODAY! Simply click one of the red "Back Off Bump Stock Regs" buttons in this email and you will be provided a prewritten email that, once submitted, will go directly to your specific legislators in Washington, D.C. FPC encourages you to review, edit and personalize this email prior to sending it off.

If we put forward a strong collective effort against this bill, I heavily doubt the divided Congress will be interested in passing such controversial legislation ahead of the midterms. However, nothing in D.C. is a sure thing, so we must keep them accountable for their votes and maintain our pressure campaign. To all those taking action on this bill, I thank you.  FPC remains dedicated to providing you with the latest updates that impact your liberties and freedoms. Now let's crush Rep. Titus' dreams, by unloading on her legislation. 

Yours in Liberty,

Trey Ramsey
Grassroots Manager
Firearms Policy Coalition [FPC]

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