Saturday, November 6, 2021

Biden Using Veteran Suicides To Attack FFLs - Guns & Gadgets

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The List is: Mark/GreyLocke's Needed Things List

1 comment:

  1. The the Democratic party seems to have been taken over by a bunch of Emotional IDIOTIC people with their latest rage of nitwits who want a Sex Change. In case you haven’t noticed it yet, but the Newest, and Latest rage of these Moronic Screw-Balls, is to become Transvestites.
    Wherever you go these days, Tansies seem to be in the headlines. the difference between a Transvestite and a Transsexual. The former does it for fun and recreation -- the latter does it for "keeps"..
    The biggest thing is that young people feel so disconnected due to the complete political insanity going on is a Sex Change.
    The fact that since there are so few Real Trans people, compared to “Normal people”, makes being Trans “abnormal”. It may be normal to Trans people. But not to to what we know as “normal people”.
    In a democracy, majority rules. And we the majority rule Trans people as being weirdo's
    Lots of Transvestites who don’t fit into the LGBTQ fashionable agenda.

    Today, beingTrans is a Fad and nothing more. I'd bet that less than 5% of Tansies are doing it for Fad reasons.
    They do it because they want to Feel Special and Unique and Different. They feel they get special attention for it. They grew up with parents constantly telling them they are special unique people that are awesome and fantastic. As they grow they become less so, so they do it in order to continue feeling that way.
    The media Glorifies Tansies also helps feed the fires. They see being Trans glorified in the news and how the Political Weirdo’s in the Democratic party loves their Tansies so they want to be in on it. Also Kids love to be troublemakers, and rabble-rousers, as they see Trans people "being brutalized and degraded" and they want so they join the cause just so they get to feel like they are doing something truly important..also Kids are usually pretty stupid and will do what other kids do so they can feel apart of something


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