Friday, January 14, 2022

My new favorite band - Band Maid

BAND-MAID / DOMINATION (Official Live Video)

BAND-MAID / Manners, BLACK HOLE (Official Live Video)

This one was recorded on my birthday last year. I think that's appropriate. The lead guitarist who wrote the music, for the second song, Black Hole, she asked the drummer, how many beats per minute could she play. The response was 180, she was told, well here, this one is 220.

"Moratorium" by BandMaid

Band Maid is what happens when you forget to turn off Auto Play on YouTube. Which I forgot to do one day. I had been ignoring this Japanese Girl band who dressed up like maids, because I figured they were like Baby Metal. A manufactured group that didn't even play their own instruments or write their own music. After hearing their song "FREEDOM", and then ONSET, I was hooked.

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