Sunday, February 20, 2022

Defending Tolkien! Amazon's the Rings of Power Trailer is a DISTRACTION - Living Anachronism

Living Anachronism

Greetings Adventurers, This video has been Copyrighted by Warner Brothers because of the last couple seconds. I am posting it anyway, because nothing I can say could defend Tolkien's message better than the LOTR itself. I don't own the rights, simple as that. I don't put ads in the middle of my videos because I don't like interrupting the flow, so I don't make more money on longer videos like this anyway. The problem, is that Youtube, will put ads on my content, whether I am monetized or not, whether I want them or not, because simply by using their platform, they have the right to make money off of content that they didn't create, even though I don't have the right to make money on content that I didn't create. There is nothing I can do about this.

This video took all week to research and write and 30+ hours straight of filming and editing. If you like my work and are so inclined to support me further, please consider joining my Patreon. It's still a (WIP), but I hope to one day be able to put out the type of immersive Fantasy that we wish to see, rather depending on these large companies.

I am merely reposting this. I did NOT create this.

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