Monday, March 14, 2022

Under Cover of Darkness U.S. Senate Passes New Gun Control Laws -

 WASHINGTON, D.C. -( Gun Control has been signed into law by President Biden with the support of turncoat Republicans.

In the middle of the night, the U.S. Senate passed the Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization Act of 2022 (VAWA). Some gun rights groups raised alarm bells when this act passed the U.S. House of Representatives last year with Republican support. At the time, Republicans like Dan Crenshaw said that the anti-gun provisions of the bill would be removed and accused Gun Owners of America (GOA) of fearmongering to fundraise.

Democrats and Republicans led by Senator Jodi Ernst negotiated the bill’s anti-gun provisions.

Republican politicians, who previously vowed never to vote for the bill unless the anti-gun provisions were removed, voted yes with those anti-gun provisions fully intact. Prominently among those Republicans to betray the Second Amendment was Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith. Senator Hyde-Smith had previously released a statement to AmmoLand News that she would never vote for the bill in its anti-gun version.

An updated statement was given to AmmoLand News after receiving a tip that Senator Hyde-Smith was open to the bill with the anti-gun provisions intact.

The bill includes the NICS Denial Notification Act. This provision will require the criminal investigation of all National Instant Criminal Background Check System denials. The vast majority of NICS denials are false.

Click the link to read the whole story:  U.S. Senate Passes New Gun Control Laws

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