Saturday, April 30, 2022

BAND MAID Big Dad Photo Collage

This is one of the few songs that Miku the secondary/backup vocalist/rhythm guitar takes over as the lead vocalist. She is a very good singer. Actually she has a much larger range than Saiki the Primary vocalist. However she felt she didn't have the power in her voice to really sing out the songs she wanted, the way she wanted. Which is why the recruited Saiki. Saiki has a powerful voice, however until Miku herself and others taught her, Saiki had a much more limited range in her voice. Now after 9 years plus additional training, Saiki has a very good range, but still Miku's range is much broader. But Miku doesn't have the same power that Saiki does.

So when I get to listen to a song where Miku takes the lead, it is all the more special for me. Remember, Band Maid is "Miku's" band. She thought up the idea, she recruited the members. And during the production of their second album she started writing the lyrics for the band. It wasn't until their third album, when the record company said they could put one of "THEIR" songs, writen, composed and arranged totally by the Ladies of Band Maid.

And that song is "Alone" Which I will try to post later. It's tricky as sometimes you can embed it, and sometimes you can't. And I don't know if P IN D has made a collage for it yet.

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