Monday, April 4, 2022

Colorado Passes Anti-Self-Defense Legislation -

 U.S.A. -( Yesterday, Governor Jared Polis signed the so-called “Vote Without Fear Act,” House Bill 22-1086.  Having only sat on his desk for a handful of days, Governor Polis couldn’t wait to put his pen to paper and further restrict the right to self-defense of his constituents.

House Bill 22-1086 “The Vote Without Fear Act,” bans the open carry of a firearm at voting locations in the Centennial State.  This measure prohibits you from exercising one of our constitutional rights while engaging in another.  It’s unfortunate that it is a serious and deeply-held belief by anti-gun legislators that the Second Amendment is a lesser right.

Law-abiding gun owners have the right to self-defense and are provided with options that fit their needs.

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