Friday, May 20, 2022

⚠️ ALERT: Booker gun licensing bill has co-sponsors ⚠️ - Firearms Policy Coalition


Sen. Booker's gun licensing, registration and confiscation bill - that literally went live yesterday - already has two co-sponsors. 

Senators "Dick" Blumenthal (D-CT) and Bob Menendez (D-NJ) have signed their names to this treason, and more could soon follow. 

Fortunately, our Take Action page just went online, and we're asking for your help in screaming at your politicians over this - ASAP.

Booker's "Federal Firearm Licensing Act" is the most urgent matter demanding your attention right now, and perhaps of the entire year.


That's because this "licensing" bill is actually a de facto gun BAN, and could lead to the swift destruction of the Second Amendment. 

Of course, this pile of dung Senator will surely tell you that your family can always call the police in the event of an emergency.

Ask the Buffalo caller who dialed the 9-11 operator - and was hung up on for 'talking too quietly - how that worked out for them. 

The fact is politicians like Cory Booker love murder and mayhem because they can be used as tools to author treasonous legislation just like this. 


They want to continue living in their ivory towers while the state has a monopoly on violence and you and your family are DEFENSELESS. 

Tell your Senators how you feel about this piece of sh*t trying to eradicate the Second Amendment TODAY!

Stay Free,

Firearms Policy Coalition

Paid for by the Firearms Policy Coalition. Not Authorized By Any Candidate Or Candidate's Committee.

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