Thursday, May 12, 2022

I found a New to Me website about my favorite Black Powder Revolver

 The very first firearm that I owned was a "Kit" revolver that my parents bought for me when I was 15 years old.  What was it you ask?  A CVA Colt Navy caliber .36.  It took me about a week to put it together the first time.  And about 2 months to really learn how to assemble it properly after I ordered some replacement parts and waited for CVA to ship them.  I was very sad when I had to sell that revolver.  Anywho, yes I did write anywho, I was looking for some information about Civil War soldier's bedrolls when I found this website.

 "The Frontier American Illustrated News"  And they had an article about the 'Ole Navy Six.  They also have some other extremely interesting articles and I'm spending a day just reading what they have.  And wishing I had the funds to buy a new "1851 Navy Six".

So please click one of the above links, and see what they have that you might find interesting.

Another interesting article: "Money in the Old West: Coins of America's Dramatic 1840s-1870s"

So give them a look see.  I think you might enjoy their site.

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