Thursday, June 23, 2022

Officer husband of slain Uvalde teacher tried to save her. His gun was taken away. - NBC News

Eva Mireles’ husband, a police officer, tried to save her after she was shot at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, according to the director of the state Department of Public Safety, Col. Steven McCraw.

During a Texas Senate hearing Tuesday on the police response to the shooting, McCraw said that Mireles’ husband, Ruben Ruiz, had his gun taken away, was detained and escorted off the scene after he received a call from his wife.

“We got an officer, Officer Ruiz, whose wife had called him and said she (had) been shot and she’s dying,” McCraw said in video shared by PBS "News Hour." “What happened to him as he tried to move forward into the hallway, he was detained and they took his gun away from him and escorted him off the scene.”

Click the link to rest of the story: His gun was taken away

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