Friday, July 15, 2022

🚨🚨 BREAKING: House committee to hear federal "assault weapons" ban 🚨🚨 - Firearms Policy Coalition


The House Judiciary Committee just announced it will hold the first markup on an "assault weapons" ban in over two decades.

The committee will hear HR 1808 - which would impose a sweeping ban on semiautomatic firearms - on Wednesday, July 20th. 

This outrageous legislation goes EVEN FURTHER than the original 1994 federal ban, and would:

  • BAN most ARs
  • BAN most AKs
  • BAN many AR pistols
  • BAN many semiauto pistols
  • BAN many semiauto shotguns


The bill's definition of an "assault weapon" is so ridiculous that even common pistols like the Beretta M9A4 would be outlawed due to having a threaded barrel.

That's right, this time the tyrants are even trying to ban common semiautomatic HANDGUNS! 

And in just five days, a Congressional committee will markup this bill and prepare to send it to a floor vote.

During the markup process, anti-gun legislators could actually make this "assault weapons" ban even worse by adding amendments.


That's why we're urging every gun owner and supporter of FPC to pitch into the fight to stop HR 1808 RIGHT NOW!

This bill is a declaration of WAR on people like you, Friend. And it's a five-alarm fire that stands to affect millions of gun owners.

During an emergency call with our policy team this morning, FPC's top analysts gave this ban a good chance at passing the House, unless we act ASAP.

If it passes, it will be sent to the Senate. And Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) recently said he'd be "open" to considering such a ban.


That makes HR 1808 the largest, most dangerous threat to gun owners in several DECADES!

And as we've seen just recently, Republicans have already caved on gun control and handed Pres. Biden a win.

We CANNOT allow more in the GOP to defect. We have to hold the line or it will be GAME OVER for gun owners.

That's why we're urging you to donate ASAP. DO NOT put this off. You can't afford to delay taking action.

We will have more updates regarding this legislation, including a Take Action page later today. Be sure to check your inbox.

But for now, pitch into the fight immediately to stop the "assault weapons" ban before it's too late!

Stay Free,

Firearms Policy Coalition

Paid for by the Firearms Policy Coalition. Not Authorized By Any Candidate Or Candidate's Committee.

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