Saturday, August 20, 2022

πŸ”« ALERT: IRS trains bean counters in use of deadly force πŸ”« - Firearms Policy Coalition


Have you seen the "training" video of IRS bean counters being schooled in the use of deadly force that's blowing up the Internet?

These worthless tax collectors are now being shown how to commit armed robbery using the very weapons that Biden wants to ban.

Just days ago, FPC was hit with a so-called "fact check" by Instagram over a post where we called out the IRS for training an army.

And now we have video proof that this agency of greedy accountants is literally spending your money to train their employees to shoot you.


In the video, we see a group of poorly-coordinated, out-of-shape workers laughing and joking before stacking up at the door.

We then see these government thieves march into a room with guns drawn and arrest two men over what could be an unpaid $2 tax bill.

It's worth noting that the IRS employees are seen carrying dummy guns that look an awful lot like those dreaded 9mms that President Biden said can easily "blow the lung right out of the body."

Friend, we all know the IRS shouldn't even exist. But their accountants sure as hell shouldn't be carrying guns.


And now the federal government stands poised to hire 87,000 more of these trigger-happy tax collectors. It's sickening!

That's why we're calling on you to help FPC disarm the IRS. Take action to support HR 8268 today.

This legislation would prohibit the IRS from acquiring ammunition and reign in this unaccountable bureaucratic agency.

However, if you can afford to do so, please go just one step further and make a quick contribution to help fight the government.


A donation of just $25 would help not only disarm the IRS but also fuel new pro-2A litigation designed to protect YOUR guns.

We've seen how far the government is willing to go to steal your hard-earned money: the commission of state-sanctioned murder.

It's high time we disarmed the IRS and told the government in no uncertain terms: FUCK YOU, NO! 

Take action and donate NOW to let the IRS know exactly how you feel about them being trained to kill your family! 

Stay Free,

Firearms Policy Coalition

Paid for by the Firearms Policy Coalition. Not Authorized By Any Candidate Or Candidate's Committee.

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