Saturday, September 3, 2022

Clearly… ATF Needs to Go as 4 Million+ Face Gun Registration -

 Washington, DC –-( According to an exclusive story published by AmmoLand News, the ATF is about to force millions of gun owners to register their pistol braces as short-barreled rifles, which will then be regulated by the National Firearms Act.

To be clear, this is exactly the type of jack-booted thuggery we’ve come to expect from a morally bankrupt federal agency, which has outlived its usefulness.

According to the AmmoLand News story, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) calls their monumentally stupid idea an “amnesty” because they won’t charge the normal $200 fee for an NFA tax stamp.

Wow. How magnanimous.

Of course, the Bureau’s new rule negates and invalidates all of their previous opinion letters, which told us it was perfectly fine and absolutely legal to install a pistol brace on our guns.

In other words, they told us we wouldn’t have to worry about politically motivated enforcement actions like this if we bought a brace, and an estimated 4 million plus people did.

Then, after Joe Biden declared war on guns, the ATF changed its mind and bent over. Now 4 million law-abiding folks are about to pay a steep price and face having their names entered into a national gun registration database.

Clcik the link to read the whole article:  4 Million+ Face Gun Registration

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