Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Rare Ghost Gun Found on Michigan Gun Disposal List, But that is Not All - Ammoland.com

 U.S.A. -(AmmoLand.com)- Michigan law requires police and sheriff departments to turn confiscated firearms over to the state police. The state publishes a list of firearms each month that have not been claimed.

From the michigan.gov website:

The information below identifies firearm(s) confiscated by a Michigan law enforcement agency and turned over to the Michigan State Police (MSP) pursuant to MCL 28.434 and MCL 750.239.

List of Weapons to be Destroyed:

List of weapons to be destroyed October 2022 (public notice date 9-1-2022)(embeded below).  

If you are claiming ownership of any firearm(s) listed, please write or call within thirty (30) days of the date of public notice. In addition to your ownership claim, you must be authorized to possess firearms.

If no valid ownership claim is received by MSP within thirty (30) days of the date of public notice, the firearm(s) listed above will be destroyed.

Firearm(s) listed above are not for sale.

The firearms are listed for 30 days so owners can identify them and apply to have them returned.

If no one claims the firearms, they are destroyed. Michigan law does not require they be destroyed. The destruction of firearms has become a wasteful tradition.

Click the link to read the whole article:  Ghost Gun on Gun Disposal List

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