Thursday, November 3, 2022

My blog is being shadow banned HARD

According to the stats for my blog, I have gone from an average of 80-200 views a day to less than 20 views a day.  Why?  What happened?  The only thing I can think of is "GOOGLE" decided it didn't like the content I was posting.  Especially as it stopped Adsense from posting ads on ANY of my blogs.  According to the records available to me through Adsense and Blogger, Google started shadow banning me about 3 weeks ago.  At least that is the only thing I can think of when my views dropped off the proverbial cliff from one day to the next.  On day one, I had 93 views, on day two, I had 7 views.  And my posts went from an average of 30-50 views to less than 10 views.  Can you come up with a reason why I am suddenly being shadow banned, and Adsense is no longer serving ads on my blog?

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