Sunday, November 6, 2022

My blog is getting shadow banned HARD......


3 page views?

About 5 weeks ago, my views took a nosedive from 40-70 views per post to less than 10 views per post.  And it wasn't a gradual tapering off, it was on day 1, 50+ views per post to less than 10 views per post, on day 2.

It doesn't have anything to do with the fact that I was approaching the payment threshold for Adsense....  Like if I suddenly got another .32 cents of ad revenue, Google has to cut me a check on the first of the month.  But NOoooooo, all of my page views dropped and suddenly, there are NO ad's being shown on my blog according to Adsense Analytics.

This makes me wonder just who else Google/Alphabet is screwing over.


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