Tuesday, December 20, 2022

GOA FOIA Shows NICS-Index-Self-Submission Form Was Used Beyond the FBI - Ammoland.com

 WASHINGTON, D.C. -(Ammoland.com)- A Gun Owner of America (GOA) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request has turned up documents that show the use of the NICS-Index-Self-Submission Form goes beyond just the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

In 2019, AmmoLand News published a secret FBI document that allowed American citizens to sign away their Constitutionally protected gun rights. At the time, it was believed that only mental health professionals and the FBI were using the form.

The GOA FOIA request proved that the document was used throughout the government.

Recently there has been a battle in Congress over the forms. A recent hearing over the forms shows that Congress is split on party lines. Republicans have been horrified over the use of the documents, while Democrats have been trying to get the use of the form codified into law. Dueling bills over the forms are expected to be filed over the use of the documents.

The documents, first revealed by the Washington Examiner, show that other government agencies, such as the Secret Service (USSS), Social Security Administration (SSA), and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), all worked hand and hand with the FBI to strip Americans of their gun rights by using the legally dubious form. One form found in 2017 shows that the USSS submitted a document to the FBI to add someone to the NICS indices for being adjudicated as mentally defective, which is legal under the law. Still, the government agency would go beyond what was allowed by Congress.

In 2018, the USSS would start utilizing the FBI’s NICS-Index-Self-Submission Form with subjects of multiple investigations. The Secret Service would continue to use the form to have targets of their investigations sign away their gun rights. The USSS doesn’t tell the FBI how they got the people to sign the documents leading some to believe that the people could have been coerced and pressured to give up their rights.

Click on the link to read the whole article:  FOIA Shows NICS-Index-Self-Submission

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