Thursday, January 12, 2023

SB Tactical Customer Information Stolen By Hackers -

 WASHINGTON, D.C. -( SB Tactical notified its customers via email that the company experienced a data breach that exposed their personal information to hackers.

As first reported by ZeroHedge, the industry-leading pistol stabilizing device manufacturer saw its customers’ personal information leaked onto the internet. According to the SB Tactical email, customers’ names, addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers, CCV numbers, and expiration dates might have been leaked. The data breach affected customers that purchased pistol braces through the company’s website between September 19, 2022, and December 13, 2022.

“SB Tactical was recently informed by law enforcement that our website was compromised. It is possible that your credit card number, expiration date, CCV code, cardholder name, address, phone number, and email address were exposed,” the email read.

The company recommends customers monitor their credit card statements for fraudulent charges and contact their financial institution if any unknown charges appear.

Customer support said many customers have canceled their credit cards or requested new numbers from their banks. With the amount of information exposed to hackers, customers run the real risk of having their identity stolen.

Click on the link to read the whole article:  Customer Information Stolen By Hackers 

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