Sunday, March 5, 2023

RYAN MEAR - MY VIEW - Mear: Music / G. Holloway: Lyrics - Original Music!

Verse 1) Drifting like deadwood after the flood. The water runs red with rivers of blood. Is this the end of brotherhood, can't change it even if i could, i'm coming home to shadows & ghosts. Verse 2 My moment in history is gone. For better for worse couldn't weather the storm. countless bones bleached by the sun someone's forgotten son, what's done i done i'm coming home. Pre chorus 1 Staring deep into the pool, everything was just a lie. reflections show the truth of who i am, scarred forever but no less of a man. I’m coming home to shadows and ghosts. Chorus This is my view, the futility of it all, teardrops send ripples through the water. This is my view, of friends gone to war, marching willingly to slaughter. For six long weeks we man our stations, consumed by our grief, consumed by consumption. And the water tastes foul, nothing but hatred to feast on. Trapped in this hell we fall one by one. I’m coming home to shadows and ghosts. Verse 4 Tired men brush the cobwebs from their minds. Sick men tear the veils of tattered lives. These things feed the fright, bearing arms & ready to fight. Staring out into a sea of deepest blue. Pre chorus 2 I can see Beaureguards flag, flying over Octagon hall. I hear the screams of agony, drifting across Franklin's moor. I’m coming home a shadow of a ghost Chorus This is my view, the futility of it all, teardrops send ripples through the water. This is my view, of friends gone to war, marching willingly to slaughter. Verse 5 Grey ghosts moving silently at night. With this oath at last i'm ready to die. Union fires light up the sky, The wind echoes with our demise, Beauregard burns like a beacon. Verse 6 I lay here by the riverside. The horror of Franklin moor left behind. This war i no longer fight, just watching deadwood drifting by. This time i'm coming home. pre chorus 3 And it suddenly occurs to me, I'm nothing more than a memory. This is how it has to be, a ghost reliving history. I came home a shadow of a long Chorus

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