Friday, April 7, 2023

Citizens Committee Blasts Biden Administration Over Texas Shooting Settlement -

 When Fox News reported that the Biden Justice Department had reached “a $144 million agreement in principle” to settle civil lawsuits filed against the Air Force in the aftermath of a 2017 mass shooting in Texas, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms called it “one more black mark in Joe Biden’s long record of failed gun control policies.”

The lawsuits, filed by dozens of plaintiffs, alleged the Air Force was negligent for failing to report the criminal record of Devin Patrick Kelley, who was convicted of domestic violence while serving in 2012. He was discharged in 2014 for bad conduct. The conviction would have prevented him from buying and owning firearms. Because the conviction was not reported to the National Instant Check System (NICS), Kelley was able to successfully lie on a Form 4473 in April 2016, when he bought the rifle used in the attack.

All of this was spelled out by the CCRKBA in a scathing statement noting Kelley’s violations occurred while Joe Biden was vice president under Barack Obama, and also served as Obama’s “gun czar” as head of a task force “which was supposed to provide proposals to reform gun laws.”

As noted in the Fox News report, “U.S. District Judge Xavier Rodriguez said in 2021 that had the government done its job and entered Kelley’s history into the database, ‘it is more likely than not that Kelley would have been deterred from carrying out the Church shooting.’”

Back in 2012, The Guardian noted in a story about the gun task force, “Barack Obama…put the issue of tackling gun violence at the heart of his second term, placing his vice-president in charge of a task force to produce concrete proposals on the reform of firearm laws within weeks.”

Click the link to read the whole article:  Committee Blasts Biden Administration

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