Thursday, May 25, 2023

Electric cars prove we need to rethink brake lights - Technology Connections

1 comment:

  1. I drive a F-350 6.7L diesel Hot Shot trucking rig. I can disable upper gears in the transmission to use the engine to slow my load. This works well in mountain driving. In 5th gear going down a 7% grade I will run 66 mph. If I drop to 4th it will decelerate to 54mph at 2200 Rpm. I have to use the brakes to get to 50 to drop to 3rd gear that will slow to 42mph. I did this today and I never touched my brakes so my brake light never came on. It is called situational awareness. You need to be looking in front of you and behind you. I had a run-a-way tractor trailer barreling down behind me this morning. He missed a downshift then overheated his brakes going down a 8% grade. I ran blocker flashing lights running 4 way lights tp alert other drivers and he was lucky as people got out of his way on the 4 lane strait away where he hit 90mph. He was able to stop at the bottom of the hill to let his system cool off.


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