Monday, May 8, 2023

PA’s Insane Ammunition Registration Database, Wants All Your Ammo to Have Separate Serial Numbers -

 Proposed Pennsylvania House Bill 586, introduced on March 20, 2023, proposes significant changes to ammunition regulations that would impact law-abiding gun owners in the state. The bill, which was introduced by 12 state Democrats, including prime sponsor Representative Stephen Kinsey, seeks to give the Commissioner of Pennsylvania State Police and the Secretary of Revenue the power to enforce the new rules and collect a tax on ammunition to fund the changes.

Encoded Ammo Database, Pennsylvania House Bill 586

The bill would create an “encoded ammunition database,” which would contain comprehensive records of all ammunition sold or purchased, including details from the manufacturer, seller, and purchaser. The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the trade organization for the shooting sports industry, has raised concerns about exactly this type of database in a recent Bullet Serialization Fact Sheet [embeded below], noting that it could have negative implications for public safety and law enforcement.

The bill has several provisions, including a requirement that all ammunition sold in Pennsylvania must be encoded with multiple serial numbers. This means that a manufacturer must add individual serial numbers to all ammunition provided for retail sale in a manner yet to be established by the Pennsylvania State Police commissioner. Each bullet would have a unique serial number located at its base, inside the cartridge casing, and outside the box of ammunition.

Click the link to read the whole article:  PA’s Insane Ammunition Registration Database

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