Saturday, June 24, 2023

Kloepfer Lawsuit Documents ‘Attempted Murder’ of Unarmed Citizen by Police -

 U.S.A. — “In an explosive federal lawsuit filed Tuesday in the U.S. District Court of Western North Carolina, the victim of a December 2022 police shooting in Cherokee County seeks millions of dollars in damages while laying out the sequence of alleged violations of policy and law that led to what he says was an attempted murder by police,” Smoky Mountain News reports. “The lawsuit lists 25 counts of action, with different combinations of defendants named in each. It seeks a jury trial and wants that jury to award Kloepfer a judgment to cover damages, punitive damages, and attorney’s fees.”

It’s a story AmmoLand News has been following since its initial exclusive post in January presenting the original video of the Cherokee Indian Police opening fire on an unarmed Jason Kloepfer while his wife stood behind him and he was answering their demands to come out of his trailer while his hands were in the air. It also detailed inconsistencies from the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Department as it pointed fingers in its own Facebook post, denying responsibility and flat-out spreading a narrative that has since proven to be false.

That report was followed up by two in February, the first documenting lack of major media coverage and presenting key questions left unanswered in the sheriff’s attempts to absolve himself and his department of any responsibility for events he set in motion and the second posting a time-lined transcript of the Calls for Service Report and Dispatch Recording, and highlighting the dangers of SWATting based on unproven allegations.

Click the link to read the whole article:  Kloepfer Lawsuit ‘Attempted Murder’ by Police

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