Friday, June 23, 2023

New FOIA Request Filed on Hunter Biden Gun Investigation Now That Privacy Excuse is Gone -

 U.S.A. — “Hunter Biden has been charged with two misdemeanor tax offenses and a felony firearm offense and has agreed to enter a plea of guilty to the tax offenses and enter into a pre-trial diversion agreement with regard to the firearm charge at a proceeding to be scheduled by the assigned United States District Court judge,” the Justice Department announced Tuesday.  “According to the firearm Information, from on or about October 12, 2018 through October 23, 2018, Hunter Biden possessed a firearm despite knowing he was an unlawful user of and addicted to a controlled substance.”

With the agreement, any “privacy” interests of Hunter Biden cited as a reason for the government not to provide information no longer are a valid excuse. Regular AmmoLand readers know that was the reason the Department of Justice and a federal judge sided with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in a complaint this correspondent filed after the agency refused to comply with a Freedom of Information Act Request. And long-term readers know that, while news of his former sister-in-law and lover Hallie Biden throwing away Biden’s gun in a market trash container had been reported, AmmoLand made the connection to lying on the federal Firearms Transaction Record (ATF Form 4473).

Click the link to read the whole article:  New FOIA Request Filed on Hunter Biden

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