Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Prohibitionists Exploit Republican Women’s Ignorance and Feelings in Polling on Guns

 U.S.A. — “When it comes to guns, Republican women don’t always agree with Republican men,” Lauren Leader, “co-founder and CEO of All In Together, a nonprofit women’s civic education organization,” declares on Politico. “As gun violence grows in our country, GOP women seem to be thinking more like Democratic women.”

“Despite mass shooting after mass shooting, most efforts to regulate gun ownership, even in ways that have a majority of support from voters, have run aground,” Leader laments. “But new polling by my organization conducted in partnership with Republican polling firm Echelon Insights suggests there’s a significant disconnect between Republican women and Republican men on guns.”

“Polling”? Like the saying goes, there are lies, damned lies, and statistics.  And a cursory glance at Leader’s internet footprint shows she’s not exactly politically impartial and unbiased. Her Twitter retweets give a pretty good indicator of where she stands on prosecuting Donald Trump and a Google search shows her regularly featured on MSNBC, claiming “American democracy is at stake” because of the Supreme Court decision to  overturn Roe v. Wade, and praising “Nancy Pelosi’s pioneering legacy.”

The All in Together Facebook photos tell the story: They’re Democrat apparatchiks. And Leader’s a seasoned propagandist with a dog in this fight who credits New York’s Kathy Hochul as “a transformational mentor.”

The polling was conducted by Echelon Insights, per Leader, a “Republican polling firm,” Leader reveals, creating the aura of bipartisan objectivity. That said, Echelon pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson is an “on-air political contributor at CNN” “whose work has appeared in The Daily BeastPolitico, and HuffPost,” and a connected insider sitting on various think tank and nonprofit boards. Don’t think MAGA, think “moderate” Jeb Bush/Mitt Romey establishment and Swamp. Think Vichycon.

Click the link to read the whole article:  Prohibitionists Exploit Republican Women

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