Saturday, July 22, 2023

Ammunition Scam Sites Are Infesting The Internet -

 U.S.A. — The old saying “buyer beware” has now been extended to the Internet age. There has been an epidemic of scams proliferating the World Wide Web, and the firearms community is not immune from criminals trying to separate people from their hard-earned dollars.

These scammers target their victims with incredible deals that are hard to pass up. When it comes to the firearms community, these deals are usually for ammunition. You might see deals that proclaim to save the buyer over 50%. These deals litter the pages of social media sites like Instagram with messages like “DM for orders.”

These scammers have also launched websites with names similar to legitimate ones, including AmmoLand News. We recently received reports of a website named selling ammunition at massive discounts. Once a user places an order, they will receive an email asking the buyer to send money through Cash App, PayPal, Venmo, or Zelle.

Click the link to read the whole article:  Ammunition Scam Sites Are Infesting The Internet

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