Monday, July 24, 2023

Minnesota DNR Bans Traditional Ammunition on Public Land -

After a two-year process following a petition from October, 2021, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has instated a rule that prohibits the use of traditional lead-based ammunition in all state Scientific and Natural Areas (SNA’s) that allow regular hunting, as well as several state parks and other SNA’s that hold special hunting events. A full breakdown of the 56 affected parks and lands can be found at the DNR’s website here under the Hunting and Trapping tab.

These new guidelines negatively impact thousands of Minnesotans who have been able to hunt these lands without issue for generations. The DNR instated these rule changes through means that did not require legislative changes to Minnesota state statutes.

Minnesota-based Federal Ammunition has released an open letter condemning the actions of the DNR and outlining the impacts the ban will have on both hunters and the state economy.

Your NRA will continue to fight to promote and protect your right to keep and bear arms and hunting heritage. Please continue to check and your email inbox for NRA-ILA alerts on the latest action items. NRA-ILA will keep you updated on Second Amendment and hunting-related legislation.

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