Friday, September 29, 2023

Police Shooting Victim Disputes County Attorney’s Attempt to Have Complaint Dismissed -

 Jason Kloepfer, a Cherokee County North Carolina man shot multiple times in December by the Cherokee Indian Police Department SWAT team, filed a response Monday to County Attorney Darrell Brown’s motion to dismiss defamation charges based on qualified immunity.

The plaintiff’s response is the latest legal move in a story AmmoLand News has been providing exclusive reports on since January when claims about the shooting by Cherokee County Sheriff Dustin Smith were directly contradicted by a video Kloepfer recorded of the incident that the sheriff’s office was apparently unaware of when it issued a press release at the center of the defamation claim.

Instead of being confrontational, forcing officers to shoot him, Kloepfer emerged from his trailer as ordered with hands raised when the SWAT team opened fire with a hail of bullets, severely wounding the man and narrowly missing his wife standing directly behind him.

That report was followed with two in February, the first documenting a lack of major media coverage and presenting key questions left unanswered in the sheriff’s attempts to absolve himself and his department of any responsibility for events he set in motion. The second posting is a time-lined transcript of the Calls for Service Report and Dispatch Recording, highlighting the dangers of SWATting based on unproven allegations. Those reports were followed in April with a follow-up article that showed a new SWAT shooting video taken seven hours after the initial one and featuring State Bureau of Investigation officers, and then raised conflict of interest concerns over the District Attorney recusing herself.

Click the link to read the whole article: Victim Disputes County Attorney’s Attempt

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