Saturday, May 4, 2024

Colorado Signs Bill Requiring Credit Card Tracking of Gun and Ammo Purchases -

 Democrat Colorado Gov. Jared Polis has signed legislation that will require credit card companies to track purchases of firearms and ammunition with credit cards, a scheme opposed by Second Amendment activists and organizations as backdoor gun registration.

According to KDVR News in Denver, which labeled gun control proponents as “gun reform advocates,” the bill requires credit card companies to “apply a specific code” to such purchases. This “merchant category code” was pushed by state Sen. Tom Sullivan, a Democrat whose son was killed in the Aurora theater rampage. He was joined by state Reps, Javier Mabrey and Meg Froelich.

The new legislation could simply compel gun and ammunition buyers to either pay cash or write a check, or possibly use a cashier’s check. Many in the firearms community consider such legislation an egregious invasion of privacy.

Both the National Shooting Sports Foundation and National Rifle Association last years vigorously opposed this type of legislation. Last year, four major credit card companies actually paused efforts to create a Merchant Category Code (MCC) for such purchases.

Click the link to read the whole article:  Colorado Requiring Tracking Gun and Ammo Purchases

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