Saturday, May 4, 2024

Lawsuit Against HOA Over Shooting Illustrates Deep-Pockets Blame Game -

 Cleopatra Nagbe, the mother of Ralph Yarl, a teenager shot after he knocked on the wrong door while trying to pick up his brother, has filed a lawsuit naming the shooter, 85-year-old Andrew Lester, and the homeowner’s association he belonged to, Kansas City CBS affiliate KCTV 5 reported Monday.

It looks like a bad shooting all the way around. Yarl, reported to be “an excellent student and talented musician [who] maintains a stellar GPA while taking mostly college level courses,” appears to have made an honest mistake by going to a house on NE 115 Street instead of 115 NE Terrace. And by his own words in his statement to police, Lester’s paranoid, admittedly race-influenced overreaction appears to merit the felony charges against him and then some.

But the Highland Acres Homes Association? What did – or didn’t – they do?

“Including the homeowner’s association (HOA) in this lawsuit underscores the importance of collective responsibility in safeguarding our communities,” Nagbe says of the complaint filed by (Democrat) attorney Lee Meritt. “Their knowledge of a potentially dangerous individual in the neighborhood without taking adequate precautions is unacceptable. This case is not just about seeking justice for Ralph but about advocating for systemic changes that prioritize the safety and well-being of all children.”

The questions “What knowledge?” and “What precautions?” come to mind. And “What systemic changes”?

The word “collective” gives us a clue as to mindset.

Click the link to read the whole article:  Lawsuit Against HOA Over Shooting

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