Saturday, August 31, 2024

Court Rules Banning Marijuana Users from Owning Guns is Unconstitutional -

 The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals dealt another blow to the gun control regime by ruling the law banning marijuana users from owning firearms is unconstitutional.

In December 2021, El Paso, Texas, police responded to a call for “shots fired.” When they arrived on the scene, police found John Connelly standing on a neighbor’s porch with a shotgun. Police promptly arrested the man before speaking to his wife. His wife, Paola, told police she used marijuana to help with sleep and anxiety. Police would search the couple’s house, where they would turn up drug paraphernalia used for smoking marijuana. Also, in the search, police would turn up firearms, one of which belonged to the woman. Paola Connelly was not under the effects of any drugs when police searched the residence.

Police would charge Paola Connelly with “possessing firearms and ammunition as an unlawful user of a controlled substance” and “providing firearms and ammunition to an unlawful user of a controlled substance.” Both charges are federal offenses because federal law says you can not use marijuana and own a firearm even if you have a prescription for the drug. Paola did not have a record of violent offenses, and her attorney argued that the charges she faced were unconstitutional.

Ms. Connelly would file a motion to dismiss in District Court with her attorney, 

Click the link to read the whole article:  Court Rules Marijuana Use Ban  is Unconstitutional

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