Thursday, August 29, 2024

Ran into some money issues.

 Two days ago, my A/C went out.  It froze up and when the technician came, we found the coil is disintegrating.  Living as close to the Gulf of Mexico as I do, the salt in the air has a deleterious effect on the coils.  

Good news, the coils are still under warranty.  The bad news, the labor and freon charge is not.  So instead of having to pay $1,275.00 plus labor and freon of almost $600.00, I only have to pay for the labor and freon charge.  Unfortunately, since I am on Social Security Disability, I only receive $1,150.00 a month.

Unfortunately again, however, the new coils will not be delivered until the 9th of September, so I am trying to deal with the heat.  I am doing ok, but the animals are not doing too well.  I have been using frozen water bottles so the cats and dogs could get some cooling.

So if you can spare some cash without affecting your own finances, I would appreciate any donations.

My PayPal is:

My CashApp is: $greylocke

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